How Baidu and’s robotaxis are changing transportation in Beijing

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Baidu and have become the first companies to operate robotaxi services without safety drivers in Beijing. This is an incredibly important development for the transportation industry in Beijing, and could revolutionize the way we think about transportation in the city.

In this article, we’ll explore what this development means for Beijing and the rest of the world, and discuss future transportation implications.

Baidu and become first robotaxi services to operate without safety drivers in Beijing

Baidu and recently announced their success in becoming the first companies to obtain permission from China’s Ministry of Transport to operate robotaxi services without safety drivers in Beijing’s Yizhuang Economic Development Zone. This is a major milestone for self-driving technology, as it marks the first time that robotaxis are officially available to the public in China commercially.

Both companies provide the robo taxi service, allowing customers to book and pay for self-driving rides via their respective mobile applications. Both companies use sensors (LiDAR and radar), hardware components, and software algorithms to power their autonomous vehicles. The vehicles are also equipped with AI systems that make detecting objects around them much easier and accurately estimating the time and path needed to reach a destination safely.

Baidu’s “Apollo Go” service comprises 50 Level 4 vehicle models. At the same time, runs its service using 20 fleet vehicles equipped with more advanced tech such as HD mapping and real-time motion planning. Both entities note that these technologies will make Robotaxis safer than human drivers—especially in Beijing’s dense traffic congestions—and will help minimize safety risks related to distracted driving caused by human errors on Beijing roads.

Baidu’s Robotaxi Service

Baidu’s robotaxi service is revolutionizing transportation in Beijing by becoming the first robotaxi service to operate without safety drivers. This service was launched in November 2019 and is the first in the city.

Baidu is at the forefront of the autonomous vehicle industry. With the launch of their robotaxi service, they have taken a major step forward in revolutionizing transportation as we know it.

Overview of Baidu’s robo taxi service

Baidu and have become the first companies to receive an operational license to run robo taxi services in Beijing without safety drivers. Through this new robotaxi service, passengers in selected areas can book rides using an app and be picked up by a driverless vehicle that then takes them to their destination.

Since launching its pilot program in December 2019, Baidu has been providing rides predominantly along the Xiongan New Area scenic area–where the cars have completed 450,000 km (280,000 miles) by May 2020. The company plans to expand beyond Beijing and eventually operate 10,000 vehicles around China.’s robotaxi service operates similarly but instead uses their autonomous driving platform, Fleet Resource Management System (FRMS). This system utilizes remote and on-site fleet operations and enables decentralizing fleet management for multiple branches across China with remote diagnostics monitoring and driverless systems testing. In addition, this platform allows for scaling autonomous operations across various areas of China with improved

efficiency and cost savings from improved vehicle utilization.

Both companies are paving the way for transforming urban transportation in Beijing by offering innovative transportation services that are safer and more cost- efficient than traditional taxi services. Customers can book ride-hailing trips easier without needing cash payments or dealing with foreign language barriers when ordering taxis in foreign cities or countries. These autonomous driving technologies also promise smoother operations with reduced traffic collisions related costs incurred due to human errors typical when handling multiple taxi ride orders manually every day.

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Safety features of Baidu’s robo taxi service

In Beijing, China, Baidu and have become the first companies to provide legally operated robot taxi services without safety drivers. As a pioneer in the autonomous vehicle industry, Baidu has implemented an array of safety features for this new service.

The robotaxis are scored based on performance across up to nine safety indicators. Each car is equipped with a failsafe system that activates when any sensor or system malfunction occurs, bringing the robotaxi to a stop and alerting nearby human drivers if needed The cars are also monitored by remote operators who can take control if they detect potential accidents or other abnormal situations. Additionally, all vehicles have on-board sensors that measure their environment and detect objects during the ride.

Although the cars have been designed with advanced technology, researchers have tested them extensively to ensure their safe deployment in public environments. Baidu’s engineers use simulation algorithms to replay millions of processes daily and identify bugs that need addressing before releasing the vehicles for public use. The cars also feature array laser sensors capable of perceiving objects from 250 meters away and software that continuously assesses risks from every angle when driving autonomously.

By taking safety seriously and investing heavily in technical solutions, Baidu’s ROSbot taxis are poised to revolutionize transportation systems around Beijing thanks to driverless technology.’s Robotaxi Service

In Beijing, China, and Baidu recently became the first robotaxi services to operate without safety drivers. Instead, this technology is powered by autonomous driving systems and is set to reshape the transportation landscape in the city.

Throughout this article, we will look at how and Baidu’s robotaxis are changing the transportation landscape in Beijing.

Overview of’s robotaxi service is a mobility-focused artificial intelligence (AI) software company offering self-driving technology to automakers, transit agencies and logistics companies. Founded in 2017, has offices and R&D centers in Beijing, Silicon Valley, Guangzhou and Tokyo. On April 22nd 2021, the company became the first robo taxi service with vehicles operating without safety drivers on public roads in Beijing’s Yizhuang Economic Development Area (YEDA).

Powered by’s comprehensive autonomous driving platform, driverless robotaxis will provide secure, precise navigation, ensuring passenger safety and enabling better utilization of existing transportation infrastructure for smoother traffic within cities. Additionally, plant sensors on the robotaxis will measure environmental metrics such as air quality and temperature in real-time for local authorities and city planners to track pollution levels.

The robotaxis are operated by Pony Mobility Co., Ltd., a joint venture established by and Chinese search giant Baidu to meet increasing customer demand for smart transportation services, understanding China’s fast-growing market opportunities in urban mobility. The cars use Baidu’s artificial intelligence (AI) system Apollo which provides computing power through its high-performance cloud computing service platform Paddle Paddle and supervision from Baidu’s remote dispatchers monitoring vehicle performance during the rides;.

In contrast, the vehicles are manufactured by Chinese automaker Changan Automobile Co., Ltd., making them an integrated solution of 3 major players in China’s auto industry: AI tech giants Baidu and;as well as carmakers Changan Automobile Group.

To participate in this new autonomous transport scheme passengers would be required to download Pony’s official mobile application where they can request rides from designated pickup locations with information about fees payable with either cash or electronic payments like AliPay or WeChat Pay so that fares can easily be processed via their smartphones once completed.. Moreover, as new technologies such as 5G networks become available the robust capabilities of today’s mobile apps provide users with access even when there is little or no network connection allowing them access anytime their heart desires on their ride towards their destination.

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Safety features of’s robotaxi service

Safety is a paramount concern when introducing autonomous vehicles to the roads and’s robotaxi service is no exception.’s systems feature numerous sensors, including ultrasonic, lidar (Light Imaging, Detection and Ranging), wheel speed and offset absolutism for object detection and collision avoidance. These sensors as well as AI algorithms allow the robotaxis to identify objects on the road and take appropriate avoidance actions.

In addition, all robotaxis are also rigorously tested through simulations with over two million miles of stress tests before being put in operation. Lastly, remote operators at a central control center can take manual action in any emergency.

In summary, puts safety first by equipping their autonomous vehicles with sophisticated sensors that can detect objects on the road and traditional safety measures such as human supervision at a central control center who can intervene if needed in an emergency.

Impact on Transportation in Beijing

Baidu and have recently become the first robotaxi services to operate without safety drivers in Beijing, a move that could have a major impact on transportation in the capital city.

By allowing robotaxis to chauffeur customers around, both companies have opened the door to a new transportation option that could change how people in Beijing get around.

This article will explore the potential effects of this move on mobility and transportation in the city.

Benefits of robo taxi services in Beijing

The introduction of robo-taxi services in Beijing by Baidu and presents the opportunity to create a more efficient, clean and safe transportation network for citizens. These companies have been granted approval by the relevant authorities in Beijing to operate their fleet of self-driving vehicles without human safety drivers, making them the first companies to do so in China.

Robo-taxis provide several advantages to transportation in Beijing, including improved road safety and reduced traffic congestion. For example, through autonomous driving capabilities and real-time communication with other vehicles, robotaxis can identify potential hazards more quickly and accurately than human drivers, leading to better accuracy and fewer road collisions. Similarly, with fewer cars on the roads due to greater efficiency of pick up times and routes found by their AI management systems, traffic jams can be avoided or reduced while reducing emissions from cars sitting idle in congested areas.

In addition to increased road safety and decreased traffic congestion, robo-taxis can provide newfound accessibility across all mobility needs. With improved technology used by these companies such as facial recognition systems or chatbots giving interactive communication during trips or location sensing through audio guided navigation through mobile devices etc., passengers have a smoother journey experience along with privacy concerns being taken into consideration for user security purposes.

One key benefit is that these services eliminate paying for large upfront vehicle costs required when purchasing a car as well as costly maintenance expenses associated with both operating costs due to increased efficiency found through their AI management systems while also opening up job opportunities for engineers; technicians; pilots among others for them too ongoing develop new technology used on board these vehicles not just limited solely towards passenger experience but practical considerations such has efficient road usage from overlapping lanes at night time etc.

In addition, beneficially associated here could be more competitive fares associated with passengers due to increased shares available from one pickup point stretching outwards far wider compared traditional makes & models normally previously available making rideshare services an attractive option instead compared renting out already expensive private means of transport such as hiring a taxi or buying your car altogether!

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Challenges posed by robotaxi services in Beijing

With the emergence of Baidu and’s robotaxi services in Beijing, new challenges related to safety, technological advancement, and policy have been presented to industry policymakers and Beijing citizens.

The robotaxis operated by both companies offer a transportation option that has many advantages compared to traditional ride-sharing platform services such as Didi Chuxing; however, the security risks posed by the operations of such an advanced autonomous vehicle requires further study and implementation of adequate regulations for such vehicles set out by local government agencies. This includes enforcing safety standards for passengers in case of any operational faults or malfunctions during a ride. Furthermore, citizens must know how these autonomous vehicles work and their advantages and risks when utilizing them over ride-hailing services.

Regarding technological advancement, policymakers need to consider whether or not the existing infrastructure is capable enough to handle the complexities brought about by numbers of self-driving vehicles operating simultaneously. Other possible challenges that must be addressed include those related to artificial intelligence capabilities and those concerning data privacy compliance when dealing with large amounts of personal data collected from users throughout their travels.

Lastly, ensuring compliance with local laws is essential for Baidu’s and’s robotxai services to operate without any trouble with authorities or other legal entities in Beijing. Building efficient networks between industry players — such as automakers — connectivity providers — such as 5G networks — , digital mapping systems —such as Waze— , insurance providers – digital insurance companies— , and communities – neighborhood watch groups— , is key in developing reliable autonomous driving solutions while still being compliant with existing framework set out by government legislation on drone technology.


Baidu and have become the first companies to operate robo taxi services in Beijing without safety drivers. This is a breakthrough in the transportation sector, and has the potential to bring sweeping changes to how people move around cities.

The process of applying robotics technology to transportation began in 2019, when was authorized to launch a fleet of self-driving taxis in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. A year later, Baidu followed suit with its Apollo Go service in Beijing’s Haidan district. Next, both companies applied for permission from the city’s transport authority to allow autonomous cars without safety drivers on public roads. That permission came late last year with Baidu commencing operations in February 2021, with launching their robots later that month – becoming the first autonomous vehicles officially allowed on public roads without a safety driver or human operator behind the wheel.

These efforts have made great strides towards changing transportation services as we know them – providing convenient and affordable options for people in Beijing and other cities around China, without compromising passenger safety. Moreover, with greater access to self-driving cars through these robotaxi services, it is clear that Baidu and are leading the way towards an era of increased driverless convenience and accessibility – making it easier than ever before for individuals and businesses alike to get around their city quickly and safely at an attractive price point.

tags = Baidu and, first robotaxi services, without safety drivers, Beijing, autox baidu didi momenta werideliaotechcrunch, Toyota, 100 vehicles in Nansha, Guangzhou