How holographic presence could change the way we communicate

With new technologies, communication methods have been transforming more than ever. For example, Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone have recently announced that they are teaming up with MATSUKO to create a proof of concept of holographic presence, that could potentially redefine the way we communicate.

In this article, we will explore the concept of holographic presence, what it offers and how it could revolutionize the communications industry.

Overview of the technology

Holographic presence is an emerging technology that is revolutionizing the way we communicate. It has the potential to be the next big breakthrough in video calling technology, allowing people to experience realistic virtual and augmented reality. This new type of communication can enable 3D audio and visuals and can be used for teleconferencing, remote collaboration, live events, gaming, and more.

The technology works by using a mix of 3D audio/visuals sensors (depth cameras) and high-speed internet connections. This allows a person’s physical body or movements to be accurately recreated in another location. Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica, Vodafone, and MATSUKO (Modern Advanced Technologies for Sustainable Kingdom Operations) have implemented a proof of concept for a holographic presence as a simple phone call between two locations by utilizing 5G networks combined with Mixed Reality Cloud technologies.

The technology encodes 3D data into scalable video coding called Scalable Video Coding (SVC). They are then combined with 5G network capabilities like massive bandwidth upgradability that can scale in increments alongside content availability and quality assurance thereby greatly enhancing the user experience. Moreover, short latency times allow streaming high-quality visual experiences at low data costs across different devices without sacrificing communications quality.

With this new level of immersive communications, enterprises no longer need to rely on existing tech infrastructure like never before. To further guide customers through this innovative landscape professionals will then provide expert guidance in areas such as analytics & artificial intelligence (AI), product design & engineering platforms as well as reduced risk journeys & certification processes all while reducing operational costs while creating seamless customer experiences through near-real time systems optimization which further accelerates user adoption via product optimization & iteration feedback loops .

What is holographic presence?

Holographic presence is a technology developed by MATSUKO which enables multiple users to join a meeting in real time from different parts of the world in the form of holograms, giving the impression that they are physically present.

It allows all participants to communicate with each other through a 3D space and large-scale holographic projection, without having to be in the same room.

Holographic presence displays one user’s amplified image on multiple devices, such as screens or monitors, that effectively creates an immense 3D and motion-sensitive virtual environment. Holograms are generated with special cameras on both ends, ensuring that all angles and facial expressions are transmitted as realistically as possible. This way users can speak, hand gesture and move around while others can see these activities simultaneously from different locations.

Thanks to its unique hardware setup, MATSUKO’s holographic presence technology gives users an unprecedented sense of telepresence. Despite being located thousands of miles apart in various countries or continents, users can interact freely with each other and enjoy a real-time experience like no other form of communication before it. Recently Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone have implemented a proof of concept of holographic presence as a simple phone call.

Benefits of Holographic Presence

Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica, and Vodafone have teamed up with MATSUKO to create a proof of concept of holographic presence as a simple phone call, which has the potential to revolutionize the way we communicate.

This article will discuss the many potential benefits of utilizing holographic presence as a communication tool.

Improved communication

Holographic presence enables individuals to have real-time communication that can be indistinguishable from a non-virtual experience. Through holographic presence, humans can interact with one another through life size three-dimensional “holographic” images and text messages, where each person is projected into the other’s physical environment in full 3D and audio fidelity. This virtual reality enhancement could revolutionize communication by allowing individuals to hold realistic conversations, as if they were together in the same room.

By enabling people to interact not just over the phone or internet but virtually face to face, holographic presence takes communication to another level, transcending physical and geographical boundaries while offering an authentic human connection. It brings reliable and clear communication closer than ever by emulating distances that traditionally take days or weeks of travel and providing real-time connectivity across many countries. This technology could facilitate unprecedented collaboration among remote teams, enabling them to communicate quickly and effectively.

Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone recently announced their joint project – a proof of concept of Holographic Presence as a simple phone call – which marks an important milestone for this cutting-edge technology’s development. This technology is expected to allow companies from different countries to stay connected and have engaging collaborative meetings on short notice. In addition to potential collaboration benefits for companies and remote teams, it also opens up possibilities for enriching relationships between families or friends who live far apart with access to life-like meetings that were impossible before.

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Increased collaboration

Holographic presence isn’t just about appearing somewhere. It’s about working together in a way that encourages communication and collaboration. While it may not be the same as being face to face, holographic presence allows users to connect with their colleagues or customers from around the world in an immersive, tangible way.

Through holographic presence, teams can easily engage in interactive, real-time conversations and collaborate on projects—as if they are all physically together in one place. Participants can also use holograms to interact with each other anywhere they are geographically located. This removes geographical, environmental and temporal barriers, making it simpler to complete assignments and tasks within a more efficient timeframe.

Holographic presence also offers a powerful platform for educators to demonstrate complex concepts without needing any physical objects present at the location of the lesson or training course. Furthermore, increased engagement from participants and learners who can better understand and appreciate instructions when using holograms comes with increased collaboration. This breakthrough technology could exponentially increase productivity and performance within organizations while reducing travel costs associated with meetings and events.

Enhanced customer experience

The concept of holographic presence promises to bring a unique user experience to people worldwide. It allows for a more realistic interaction between two or more persons located remotely from each other, delivering an unmatched level of immersion in terms of sound, voice, and video quality. This cannot be achieved with traditional video calls or even the most advanced technologies such as Virtual Reality today.

Implementing holographic presence by leading telecom companies Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone together with MATSUKO could significantly enhance customer experience. Customers can now enjoy an immersive 3D-like experience while talking to family members and colleagues far away. Furthermore, adding body language recognition will take communication to a whole new level while providing quality audio-visual material that imparts engagement in teleconferencing beyond the conventional formats.

It will also foster greater trust and understanding among the parties involved in a conversation as the data processing behind this technology recognizes the facial expressions and movements made by them during interactions. The ability for customers to interact with each other through gestures or facial emoticons even when sitting miles away from one another will be revolutionary in enhancing customer service experiences and communication among people around the globe.

Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone together with MATSUKO implement a proof of concept of holographic presence as a simple phone call

Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone – four of the leading telecommunications companies in Europe – have joined forces with MATSUKO to implement a proof of concept for holographic presence as a simple phone call.

This new technology could change how we communicate as it allows us to have conversations with people worldwide without leaving our homes. Using the latest cutting-edge technologies, these companies are exploring how holographic presence could revolutionize telecommunication.

Let’s delve into how this proof of concept works and what this means for the future of communication.

Overview of the proof of concept

Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone together with MATSUKO have worked together to develop and implement a proof-of-concept of holographic presence. This would revolutionize the way people communicate with each other. Holographic presence is an advanced communication technology that uses computer generated 3D images of people or objects for learning, collaboration, entertainment and training purposes.

The proof of concept involved the four telco companies leveraging MATSUKO’s HoloCall platform to transform traditional 2D video calls into life-like 3D holographic telepresence experiences, wirelessly connecting participants across multiple devices and locations simultaneously in real time. The parties then had direct opportunities to collaborate through engaging content such as shared 3D workspaces, interactions with dynamic visuals, and freeform conversations.

The test run was conducted successfully by bringing together more than 80 experts from fields such as telecommunications engineering and several digital media graphic designers across 10 cities in Europe over two days. The results showcase how existing infrastructure networks can be used to create immersive connections between people around the globe via this holo presence technology. Furthermore, by eliminating distance barriers between team members within organizations, this communication could open doors for new ways of collaborating remotely with business partners or customers on projects or product launches for global or localized markets.

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Benefits of the proof of concept

The proof of concept developed by Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone together with MATSUKO, not only displays the potential increasing level of engagement in communication but also offers several advantages, such as the following:

1. Cost efficiency: Compared to the traditional conference systems, the holographic presence may reduce travel costs and enable improved collaborations by bringing people closer even when they are far away.

2. Enhanced Interactivity: Through visual contact, users can easily develop direct eye contact, allowing faster information transfer than ever before. Facial expressions add to the sense of immediacy when one is in the same room with another colleague at a distance.

3. Improved collaboration through greater efficiency and convenience: Holography allows flexible participation in team meetings from anywhere easily due to its short setup time and scalability with no limits set upon size or complexity of interactions or calls. Furthermore, it also decreases technology-related issues such as connection issues and dropped audio signals based on cloud server technology, enabling secure communication between different parties located far away.


Holographic presence, or using holograms to replicate the presence of an individual in a remote place, has potential to revolutionize how we communicate. However, while the technology has advanced greatly in recent years, some challenges still stand in the way of a successful implementation.

Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone have joined forces with MATSUKO to conduct a proof of concept of holographic presence as a simple phone call. Therefore, it is important to understand their challenges to create a successful implementation.

Technical challenges

Several key factors must be considered when it comes to the technological challenges of holographic presence. First, there must be a way to capture and display a 3D image of a person’s face and body in realistic detail. This requires advanced image processing techniques to accurately process and render the data. Additionally, this information must be sent over the Internet in real-time for the remote user to view.

There is also a need for advanced networking capabilities such as ultra-low latency, high-throughput, end-to-end connections with various digital inputs from multiple devices. This requires sophisticated protocols, tools and infrastructure from companies like Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone. Moreover, these elements need to work together seamlessly to create an immersive experience for the user.

Finally, additional challenges come with ensuring the security of communication between users is maintained at all times when using holographic presence technology or any other type of telepresence technology for that matter. Security measures such as encryption algorithms and private networks can help protect users against hacking or other cyber threats as they communicate over long distances in real time. All these elements must come together for HoloPresence to deliver a safe and secure communication experience between its users.

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Regulatory challenges

Regulatory issues are one of the major problems facing companies eager to implement new technology concepts such as holographic presence. The process of obtaining a license to use and operate a service such as holographic presence is complex and uncertain, especially since it goes beyond traditional telecom initiatives.

The government must carefully evaluate the project to ensure it meets safety and security compliance requirements and that any privacy concerns are considered. Additionally, public investment into infrastructure and bandwidth is necessary to support the service, which could create an uneven playing field for competitors attempting to launch their services in the market.

Not only is there an absence of unified legal frameworks for holographic communication across different countries, but there are also regional differences in implementation due to local regulatory limitations. Therefore, companies attempting to innovate within the industry must work on providing clear interpretations for these laws for the industry or sector to benefit from their novel solutions.


Implementing a proof of concept of holographic presence as a simple phone call by Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone together with MATSUKO has the potential to drastically revolutionize the way we communicate.

This technology can enable people to communicate in a truly life-like manner, with detailed facial expressions, body language and micro-gestures, making communication much more effective and personal than it ever has been before.

In this article, the pros and cons of this technology will be discussed, to conclude.

Future of holographic presence

As holographic communication technology becomes more widespread, we can expect significant changes in how people interact worldwide. In addition to its potential for business applications and collaboration, telepresence technology can also facilitate more personal connections.

The development of holographic presence could allow us to create virtual representations of ourselves that can traverse physical distance and appear in remote locations. Using a 3D camera and tracking system, holograms will couple natural sound with lifelike visuals allowing people to have a visceral sense of physical presence even when they are thousands of miles apart. This could revolutionize video conferencing by creating a much more lifelike experience while also reducing travel costs on business meetings.

In July 2020, Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone together with MATSUKO implemented a proof of concept of holographic presence as a simple phone call. This was described as “a ringing telephone in circuit through electrical signals emitting sound waves onto an acoustic membrane that is amplified before it is heard” – showing how far the technology has progressed in such a short period. In addition to its suitability for work-related communication across distant locations, this level of intimate telesensing could open up possibilities for personal connections through social interactions between friends and family at any distance too – making it easier to maintain relationships wherever you are might be located in the world.

With continued advances in hardware and software capabilities over time, we may yet realize the dream of unfettered presence experiences between individuals regardless of their physical separation from each other – enabling powerful immersive telepresence scenarios highlighting how much being together can truly mean even when we’re not sharing physical space.