Augmented Reality in Gaming: Bridging Digital and Physical Worlds with Enhanced Interactivity


Technology has continually been able to impact and enhance the gaming industry in significant ways. It’s possible to argue that it has become a blessing and a curse in equal measures for some.

Game developers can create several new types of gaming experiences that can match or even exceed player demands and expectations. However, at the same time, the bar and the level of standard that they have to meet with each release is something that they have to contend with. As players become accustomed to new ways of gaming, they become expected in subsequent releases.

Augmented Reality’s Impact On Gaming

One technology that has been integrated with huge success is augmented reality (AR). According to an article on TechTarget, AR is the integration of a game setting with real-time elements and physical environments.

There have been many instances in which there have been various types of games where developers have used the tech to enhance the experiences that can be obtained. Entertainment venues have managed to incorporate AR into the games that they create, such as AR Darts, while there have even been games playable online that have used the tech.

The iGaming industry is among those that have been using AR to create new experiences, as the tech has proven to enhance gameplay. Live casino games have become a popular form of entertainment for players as they give them authentic, lifelike casino experiences, such as being able to play blackjack in front of a live dealer. At the same time, some of the best online blackjack sites in Canada have titles that allow players to get an AR experience, with games having been created where players can enjoy an enhanced session from their favorite device.

One game that has had huge global success with the usage of this technology is Pokemon GO. Although the brand is already astronomically large in terms of reputation and its following across popular culture with people worldwide, the release of this game showed everyone what this form of technology can do for our gaming experiences.

Pokemon GO was a huge hit in helping to get people to explore the real world, traveling to new locations in the search for Pokemon to fill their Pokedex and catching them all. It provided health benefits as people would become more active with the game’s AR, as a lot of walking could be required, whether that be hatching the eggs people could collect or reaching places where Pokemon could be found that weren’t possible to access in a vehicle.

Why Have Players Enjoyed Ar Gaming?

As highlighted, player expectations and demands across the gaming industry have continued to change. Depending on who you ask, they can be considered both positive and negative.

Gamers want to be engaged and immersed in the games they play. AR, with its technological principles, has the capability to increase engagement and interaction. It might not quite be as developed as virtual reality, but it’s a lot better than anything else that has been experienced in the past.


With AR, players are able to get lost in the game, which can mean prolonged gaming sessions. Developers who can implement it into their titles can reap the successes of it (if they get it to work in the desired way). Gamers will feel that they are part of the game as they will be more involved in what is happening, meaning they are likely to want to return to it.

However, once it has been included, there can be an expectation that may not always be possible for developers to meet. Subsequent releases of a game title (especially if part of a series or franchise) will be expected to involve AR technologies. If a release doesn’t, it could have a negative impact across various facets; reputation, popularity; and revenues can all be hit.

At the same time, the technology may not always be cost-effective or easy to implement. As it features real-time aspects and elements, it’s something that may require continued development and potential fixes, as bugs and glitches may occur. As all gamers know, these things can seriously hamper the gaming experience.

Will Ar Be A Mainstay Across Gaming In The Future?

With the rate at which technology continues to be developed and evolve, as well as the continued increase in demands and expectations that gamers have, it wouldn’t be a surprise if we did see AR becoming a mainstream technology across the gaming industry in the future.


We’ve already seen how it can be successful in improving engagement and interaction, with other benefits having been experienced as a byproduct. It will likely only get cheaper to develop and implement for developers and with gamers always wanting the best available, they may have no choice but to use it as a necessity and keep doing so until even newer futuristic technologies become available.