Unique Ways Gamification is Entering Your Life


Gamification is an interesting topic, as it’s always there in one’s life, even if it’s unseen. Sometimes, people do it to themselves without realizing it. Trying not to hit a red light while driving to make your journey more enjoyable is a simple form of gamification. However, this phenomenon has entered daily lives in many new and unique ways you may not yet know about.

Online Casinos and Wagering Games

Making a bet is one of the simplest forms of gamification, whether it’s with cards at an online casino, sports, cryptocurrencies, or even a random mystery box you buy online. These activities are entertaining to people because of the mechanics and the style of losing and winning, which adds to the emotions while playing, raised by the stakes.

Online Casinos

An online casino is a prime example of how this phenomenon is entering daily life, as it’s now easier than ever to play slots or your favorite card game, such as blackjack. Poker doesn’t have to be every Friday night with the guys as it’s easy to go against other people from around the country or world, changing players and making victory a more challenging feat to achieve.

Crypto Betting Scene

Crypto wagering brings new mechanics to the scene, such as titles that mimic the iconic PC title of Minesweeper, rewarding every risky click made and letting you challenge how far you can go before it ends.

Loot Boxes

Whether it’s an eBay mystery box, a pack of trading cards, or one of those new online random boxes that feature a buy-and-sell marketplace, there’s gamification based on luck and randomness, rewarding few of the many who purchase them.


These are some of the best ways to experience the gamification factor, as it can be as simple as subscribing to a monthly mystery box, where everyone gets the same unknown loot.

The Shows You Watch

From series to movies, games creep in everywhere. One of the most notable ones is how the Stranger Things series has a video game that can be accessed on your mobile device. Many other series all have titles developed after them, while some are even based on a video game themselves.

However, the most apparent form of gamification in video media is movies, from the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie to Super Mario Bros, you can find a classic on a DVD or streaming site. However, not all titles can be transformed into movies so easily and vice versa, but that debate doesn’t need to be touched.

Everything’s Got a Game

There is a game for anyone and anything these days, even if it is a pop culture classic movie. Ever wanted to play a claw machine in Japan from your couch? Well, there’s a game for that. There are even games that use small go-karts mixed with AR technology to simulate racing games with power-ups in the real world.

Alternatively, you can find a game for any hobby or activity, giving you a cost-free way to experience something new, from running a city to owning a hotel or even moving into a farm in a small town and building friendships with the residents. Visual novels are another way to experience books with multiple endings and even ones where you can fail with too many wrong choices.

A Way to Find More Joy While Improving Life

There are many ways to turn habit-building and self-improvement into a game; even if your chore list and grocery list become mighty dragons, you have to vanquish them with the right app or mindset. A game such as Spirit City: Lofi Sessions blends music and activities to help restore your focus, make tasks easier to organize, and reward you for completing them with in-game currency to spend on new cosmetics.


Whether it’s as an app or just shifting your way of thinking, gamification can have many positive impacts on anyone’s daily life. Instead of following the age-old saying of devouring the frog first and doing the hardest task on the list, view it as a dragon and praise your accomplishment like a knight returning home with the princess.

Mobile Games to Pass the Time

It’s likely that everyone has at least one mobile game installed on their smartphone, even you. Whether it’s something as simple as sudoku, a classic like Subway Surfers, or one of the newer titles that are always online and puts you in an immersive MMORPG, everyone’s got one.

And this isn’t a bad thing, as it can help pass the time and give people something to focus on when they’re waiting. Whether it’s at home or the bus station, you’ve got a fun way to spend a couple minutes without being bored.

It’s All About Having Fun

Even with gamification entering one’s daily life, it’s not hard to enjoy it as it makes some of life’s duller tasks more enjoyable. Whether it’s spending your change from shopping on a unique arcade game outside the store or testing out the mechanics of a new online title, or even subscribing to a monthly loot box to get random items, it’s all a game so play it and have fun.