3 Poker Tactics You Need to Know Before Sitting at Your First Table


Entering the world of poker can be both thrilling and intimidating. The lights, the chips, the tension – it’s a lot to take in, especially if it’s your first time sitting at a table.

But fear not! With a few key tactics under your belt, you can navigate your way through that initial game with confidence and maybe even walk away with some winnings. Let’s dive into three essential poker tactics that every beginner should know.

Master the Art of Bluffing

Bluffing is one of the most iconic aspects of poker. It’s the stuff of legends and Hollywood movies. But in reality, bluffing is a delicate art that requires finesse and timing. It’s not about wildly throwing chips into the pot with a bad hand; it’s about making your opponents believe that you have the goods when you don’t.

First, understand that bluffing should be used sparingly. If you bluff too often, opponents will catch on quickly and start calling you out. The key is to choose the right moments. Look for situations where the community cards on the table might reasonably support a strong hand that you’re pretending to have. For example, if the board shows a potential straight or flush, and you’ve been playing conservatively, a well-timed bluff can be very convincing.

Also, pay attention to your opponents. Against tight players who fold often, your bluffs are more likely to succeed because they are more risk-averse. Against loose players who call frequently, bluffing can be more challenging and less effective.

Lastly, maintain your poker face – literally and figuratively. Your body language, facial expressions, and betting patterns should all tell the same story. Consistency is crucial. If you’re acting confident while holding a weak hand, ensure that your behaviour doesn’t change drastically when you have a strong hand. This balance will keep your opponents guessing and make your bluffs more believable.

(P.S. If you are looking for an online casino that offers plenty of different poker variations to experiment with, we would recommend 10bet: https://www.10bet.co.za/games/)

Play Tight and Aggressive

One of the most reliable strategies for beginners is to play tight and aggressive. This means you should be selective about the hands you play (tight) and bet strongly when you do play them (aggressive). It’s a strategy that helps minimise losses and maximise potential gains.

Starting with a tight approach, focus on playing only the best starting hands. These typically include high pairs (like AA, KK, QQ), strong aces (like AK, AQ), and high suited connectors (like KQ suited). By playing fewer hands, you’ll find yourself in stronger positions more often, reducing the likelihood of getting caught with a weak hand.


Once you decide to play a hand, switch to an aggressive style. Bet and raise rather than calling. This does a few things: it builds the pot when you have a strong hand, puts pressure on your opponents, and can even force them to fold, increasing your chances of winning the hand uncontested. Aggressive play also helps disguise the strength of your hand, as opponents may struggle to distinguish between your strong hands and bluffs.

Understand Position and Use It to Your Advantage

Position is a crucial, yet often overlooked, aspect of poker strategy. Simply put, your position at the table relative to the dealer button can significantly influence your decision-making process and overall success.

The closer you are to the dealer button, the later your turn to act in the betting rounds. Being in a late position is advantageous because you have more information about your opponents’ actions before you make your decision. If players before you check or bet small, it might indicate weakness, giving you an opportunity to raise and take control of the pot.

Conversely, if there’s a lot of betting and raising before it’s your turn, you can gauge the strength of your hand more accurately and decide whether to continue or fold.


In early positions (immediately to the left of the big blind), you’re at a disadvantage because you must act with little information about your opponents’ intentions. Therefore, you should play tighter in early positions and open up your range of hands in later positions.

Understanding and leveraging your position can dramatically improve your poker performance. In a late position, you can play more hands and employ strategies like stealing the blinds or bluffing more effectively. Conversely, in an early position, being more conservative can save you from potential traps and costly mistakes.


Well, there you have it. As you prepare to sit at your first poker table, keep these three tactics in mind. While luck plays a part, your decisions and tactics are what will ultimately determine your success.

Remember, poker is a marathon, not a sprint. Take your time to observe and learn from each game, refine your strategies, and enjoy the experience. With practice and patience, you’ll find yourself becoming more confident and adept at navigating the thrilling world of poker. Good luck!